Tool Kit Tips and Tricks
We will be showing and explaining few hidden tricks about the tool kit and the proper way to remove your tools from the foam to make sure your kit last.
1) Flip the tool kit over to find the rim around the bottom of case, this rim will keep your small screws, bolts, and accessories safe from rolling off the table.
2) The bore snake slot can fit two different bore snake sizes (223/308, 308/9mm).
3) The Field Tool Kit comes with a single .22 caliber bore snake.
4) Flip the case over while you are working to make sure you never lose those little screws at the range ever again.
5) Push the very bottom of the Field Driver to release the bit carrier.
6) All double size bits in the kits are magnetized, including the mini screwdriver.
7) If you have any issues with The Field Tool Kit, please contact us at
Proper Tool Removal
Removing your tools from the foam correctly is important in keeping your tool kit intact. Follow these easy steps below:
Armorers Wrench
- Slide in the castle nut side first.
- Insert a finger into one of the holes on the wrench.
- Push towards the top of the wrench into the foam.
- Drive the handle portion into the foam slot and release pressure, allowing the wrench to slide into the foam notch.
- To remove, apply the same upward pressure on the wrench.
- Remove the bottom from the notch, then lift out.
Hammer and Punches
- Insert the Hammer’s handle halfway down the foam’s slot.
- Push the handle down towards the bottom of the foam.
- Press the hammer head into the foam slot.
- Slide the pointed end into the foam.
- The tip will then insert directly into the foam.
- Once inserted, push the rest of the punch into the foam.